Scientists by field of expertise

Here is a selection of scientific experts of the Virunga volcanoes, sorted by field of expertise and alphabetical order. Please, click on their name to access their personal page and contact info. GVO scientists are in bold.

Historical and recent eruptive activity

Volcano Seismology and infrasound

Ground Deformation

Volcanic degassing

Passive CO2 Degassing (mazuku)

  • Marcellin Kasereka, Goma Volcano Observatory
  • Honor. Prof. Antoine Kies, European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology (Luxembourg)
  • Mathieu Yalire Mapendano, Goma Volcano Observatory
  • Dr. Benoît Smets, Royal Museum for Central Africa (Belgium)
  • Prof. Dario Tedesco, University of Naples II (Italy)
  • Prof. Orlando Vaselli, University of Florence (Italy)

Igneous Petrology

Water/Gas Geochemistry (incl. Lake Kivu)

Volcanic Hazard Assessment

Vulnerability, Risk Assessment