Geochemical database of the Virunga Volcanic Province

A database of existing geochemical analyses on rock samples from the Virunga Volcanic Province has been realized. These Geochemical analyses were collected from the existing scientific literature.

The geochemical database is available here for download, in Excel format, and is associated with the following peer-reviewed publication:

Barette, F., Poppe, S., Smets, B., Benbakkar, M., Kervyn, M., 2016. Spatial variation of volcanic rock geochemistry in the Virunga Volcanic Province: Statistical analysis of an integrated database. Journal of African Earth Sciences, AVCoR Special Issue (In Press). doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.09.018

Please, refer to this publication if you use the database in your work.

The bibliographic references associated with the geochemical analyses are provided in the Excel file.

Fill in the following form to access the database:
(A download link will appear at the end of this page)

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